Audio Quiz: Sit in the Driver's Seat

Put yourself in the driver's seat by taking the quiz below. Can you hear what's happening in or around the diesel bus?

1. Push play below. What do you hear?
Correct Answer: An emergency vehicle passing by.
Because propane buses are significantly quieter than diesel buses, drivers can stay better aware of busy traffic outside and in the rear of the bus. Hear the difference on a propane bus:
2. Push play below. What do you hear?
Correct Answer: A student possibly being picked on.
Bus drivers can only intervene in a bullying situation if they know it's happening. Loud diesel engines can drown out verbal or physical harassment that could otherwise be stopped. Hear the difference on a propane bus:
3. Push play below. What do you hear?
Correct Answer: A bus driver giving instructions to passengers.
It's just as important that students are able to hear their bus driver. When the passengers can hear their driver's instructions, everyone stays safer. Hear the difference on a propane bus:
4. Push play below. What do you hear?
Correct Answer: A passenger trying to get the driver's attention.
If a student misses his or her stop, or they have a medical emergency and need to tell an adult, they shouldn't have to yell over the roar of a diesel engine. Hear the difference on a propane bus:
5. Push play below. What do you hear?
Correct Answer: Someone outside the bus trying to get the driver's attention.
For many reasons, a person outside the bus may need to get the driver's attention. A driver may not hear that person over the roar of a diesel engine. Hear the difference on a propane bus:

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Hear What It's Like to be a Bus Driver?
Sound Off for Quieter Buses.

Share this quiz with other parents to spread the word about safer, quieter school buses. And to learn how else propane buses are helping schools and students, visit